Monday 20 September 2010

Embeded File

This video shows the ability to use a varied amount of techniques using both editing programmes and also different camera angles in which we could use wihtin the DayDream sequence. These things include such things as match-on-action with the opening of the door and also the use of music towards the end of the sequence. Another comparison between this product and the DayDream sequence is the usage of close-ups throughout the piece are used in order to create dramatic effects when needed.

This enabled the production group who made this particular video to become successful in creating a video sequence that has both comedy and also some parts of action.

The main three shots used within this audio/visual preliminary product were medium close-up, long shot and over the shoulder shot. These three shots enable the audience to see things going on through different angles and therefore see things that the actors within the video may not be able to see.

Also within this product they use match-on-action two times throughout the video with the opening and closing of the lift when the main character enters and then minutes later exists the lift and then bumps into his intended target.

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