Wednesday 24 November 2010

Film Poster Development

The images you can see below are the developments of my film poster from the initial poster through to the final film poster that we have decided to use in order to advertise our product.

Poster 1 

Poster 2

Poster 3

Poster one shows the initial idea which the group had for our poster by including the basic things such as the name of our product, a picture of a clown to show the main concentration of our film and also the names of each group member to show who has contributed to the making of this product.

Poster two doesn't show a massive development between itself and Poster one although the red colouring around the title enables the title to stand out clearer to the audience so that they are able to easily see this poster and recognise what the film is about. 

Poster three shows the most development between the first poster and this poster due to the cloning of the clown image in order to create a more dramatic effect for the audience so that they can clearly see this poster even when it is advertised near others like it. Also this again strengthens the fact that the main concentration of our title opening sequence is around a possesed clown who manages to cause moments of fustration and confusion throughout our brief title opening sequence.

Finally the poster below demonstrates the overall development from our original poster compared to our final poster. This final poster my group is using in order to advertise our product to a broader audience. Also by doing this, we are enabling ourselves to make sure that people are aware that a new thriller film is coming out that is based around a clown.

Final Film Poster - Created By Taylor Beahan

Whilst creating this poster I had to think abotu the certain things that need to be on the actual poster in order for the audience to understand what the film is based on. Also I've managed to include the names of the group members around the outside in order to show who has contributed throughout the creation of our opening title sequence. 

An example of other film posters can be seen below.

The poster on the left is an advertisement for the film The Dark Knight and shows one of the main characters on this therefore allowing the audience to have some knowledge of who will feature within the film. Also they have been able to include a date in which the their audience will be able to see the film.

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