Monday 22 November 2010

Insperations For My Title Opening Sequence

  Psycho 1960
"Shower Scene" 

The video link below shows the famous Psycho "Shower Scene" which the main character taking a shower due to her long trip and the things that have occured during the last couple of hours.  The reason as to why this young women is running, is because she is running away from her employer's client, due to the fact she stole $40,000 from this client.

Lila Crane (Vera Miles) subsequently encounters a young motel proprietor too long under the domination of his mother. Then whilst taking this shower we (the audience) see a shadow behing this female character which then happens to end this womens life with a brutal stabbing motion.

Therefore, by using this shadow behind this main character, both us as a viewing audience and Lila Crane, who is the unfortunate person in the shower at this time, cannot see any distinctive relavance between this shadow and any character both us and her have encountered throughout the story so far. 

In our title opening sequence, we as a group are hoping to achieve this same effect by having a shadow of a figure appear behind our main character towards the ending of our title sequence in order to create a dramatic ending and also to make sure the audience will want to watch more of this film if possible.

IT The Clown

This film was a major insperation to our title opening sequence because we believed as a group that once the idea to use a clown in our title opening sequence, that we could watch and see how stephen king uses the clown in IT to its full effect.  

Below is a trailer showing just how effective a clown can be within a thriller piece.

As you can see in the video link above, the clown used can portray a different amount of emotions through its body language and facial expressions. Also the paint on the clowns face adds to the facial expressions therefore making it more effective to the audience.

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