Wednesday 10 November 2010

Second Group Meeting

Below you can see what the planned agenda was for, for our second group meeting. The following people are present: Taylor, Sam, Moe and Farah. 
·         Synopsis
·         Storyboard – Draw-up
·         Location/ props + target audience
·         Characters
·         Roles

As a group we are discussing the synopsis and what is going to happen throughout our title opening sequence. Moe then writes down the initial ideas for our synopsis containing all of the information that will be includes within our title opening sequence such as movements and actions.
Also whilst doing this we managed to discuss the editing techniques that we will use in order to move the eyes of the toy clown within the opening moments of the groups opening sequence. This is then followed by the main character starting to notice that the clown is coming to life by fixating its eyes upon her face whilst she is typing on the computer.  
16:19 - We then watched a title opening sequence from Carousel which shows the ability to use a clown to create a dramatic scene and also a scene that the audience will want to watch. Also this video showed us that we can use these clown characters either to create a happy/evil vibe.
16:32 - Whilst discussing our ideas for the synopsis, we then added and also took away ideas from the actual story due to the new ideas being implanted into the story in order to make the film more dramatic for the audience.
16:42 - We then decided to film most of the title opening sequence from the perspective of the clown itself in order to capture more of the emotion of the main women character within our title opening sequence.

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