Monday 6 December 2010


The main character in our title opening sequence, Samantha Evans, is the on screen victim of our toy clown. As a group we decided to call this character Samantha Evans so that we was all happy with the name and that there would be no disagreement of this name further along our production process. Our main character is a "girly girl" and this is portrayed through her bedroom in the film with the colour of the room and also the contents within the room. The stuff inside this room was supplied by Farah seeming as though it is her room that is used throughout our title opening sequence.

In order to recieve the best possible grade, we decided that we would keep the idea of our title opening sequence simple by not adding too many special effects of things that would require a huge input in any department of making the sequence.  

This filming process occured last week Monday although due to the dangerous weather conditions (snow) all week we were unable to edit this piece of film until the following week. Although as a group we had this "setback" I feel as a group we are still on task for delivering a good quality title opening sequence that will both interest and also show the quality that we as a group have managed to put into this product. 

Below are images of some of the props and locations that we used in order to film our title opening sequence and also to make the title opening sequence a more dramatic one for our audience.


Alarm Clock used

Toy Clown that we used

The main location

Hall way which shows the ending

Bin which is used to throw the clown in

Each image shown above played a significant role through the production of our title opening sequence in that they provided us with an advantage due to the fact that they enhanced the thriller based idea. For example, the hall way allows us to show the audience both the main character (Samantha) coming down the stairs whilst also showing the audience where she will be going and therefore what happens next.

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