Monday 20 December 2010

Shot List

Throughout our title opening sequence we decided to use a varied amount of shots in order to create a bigger quality product. Also by showing that as a group we had concidered showing our audiences the best view of each part of action, we believe that this shows the best possible concern in delivering a high quality title opening sequence.

A list below shows the types of shots we used within our title opening sequence:

  • Over  the shoulder
  • Medium Close-up
  • Close-up
  • Shot reverse shot

These shots plus a few more, allowed the product to project a more entertaining element for our target audience whilst still coming under the selected Genre which happened to be "Thriller". 

Examples of Shots Used

Over the Shoulder

Medium Close-Up


Being able to use these any other shots enables a better perspective for the audience in which to watch a film or any other moving image medium. Other camera shots are used to order to show the audience the audio/visual product as though they are experiencing the moving footage as if they were placed within the sequence that can see at any given time.

Peep Show - 1st Person Perspective

The image above shows the well-known programme Peep Show utalising its decision to film in 1st person perspective in that they make their audience feel as though they are placed in the same situations as each character within the programme. By closely researching this method of filming, myself and my other group members were able to realiese that the view point of our main character, would be best shown to the audience in a 1st person perspective in order to make sure that the audience felt more interacted with title opening sequence.

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