Monday 6 December 2010

Risk Assessment

An example of a risk assessment can be shown below.

WURTH Risk Assessment

"Würth UK recognises and accepts its responsibility for the health and safety of its employees, contractors and authorised visitors to the site. The company will conduct its business in such a manner as not to expose persons to any risk that may affect their health and safety. Our Health and Safety Policy and Risk Assessment for Sales Representatives visiting customer sites are available to download here."

 This risk assessment clearly shows the possible risks for anyone based around company, the level of each risk and also the main people who will be at risk due to each one of the risks listed above. E.g. Customer 5.

Due to the fact that myself, Moe and Sam travelled together this limited the risk to the group because if a travel problem occured or we somehow did get lost, this would limit the risk to the group because we would all know were each member is causing less panic. Such things could've caused this such as the snow which just managed to hit the day after we filmed all of the content we needed.

Myself, Moe and Sam travelled by bus to the location

Snowed day after filming

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